Samba4 dns

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Internal dns

editing the tdb database by hand

The samba4 internal dns server used to have a bug where multiple database entries could get added for the same host. When this happens, the relevant dns host can resolve with a dns query, but the entries are not shown in the RSAT gui, nor via sambatool. They can't be edited, removed or updated with the common administration tools. The fix is to remove the database entries by hand, and then recreate it via normal means. Removing the duplicate entries requires using tdb to find the relevant entries and then remove them.

in my case I have a hostname 'openbsd' resolving to address It resolves fine, but does not show up with RSAT or samba-tool A queries.

# host openbsd has address

Below paths assume samba4 is installed from source and so has /usr/local paths. If installed via a package, the relevant database and binary files are in /usr/share/samba etc. instead.

To edit the tdb database by hand I use tdbtool, provided with the samba install.
