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notes for building resflash for octeon (edgerouter lite). Octeon resflash images require a custom kernel. Resflash loads this into a fat partition, and the kernel needs to know where to find the root partition.

If you want to avoid cross compiling (I did), first do a basic install of openbsd on your octeon system (edgerouter) per here. Be sure to include the comp set.

example setlist:

   [X] bsd           [X] base65.tgz    [ ] game65.tgz    [ ] xfont65.tgz
   [X]        [X] comp65.tgz    [ ] xbase65.tgz   [ ] xserv65.tgz
   [ ] bsd.rd        [ ] man65.tgz     [ ] xshare65.tgz

change fstab, make sure it's noatime and softdep (less iops to your usb stick, make it live longer) , e.g. below:

create a user to do the building.

useradd exampleuser
user mod -G wsrc exampleuser

Then mount /usr/src on external storage (to avoid unnecessary compile related iops to usb), like nfs. Doing wxallowed because later on we may be compiling stuff with python or other tools that require wx.

mount -o wxallowed nas:/volume1/src /usr/src

Get the (6.5 in this example) stable source:

su - exampleuser
cd /usr
cvs -qd checkout -rOPENBSD_6_5 -P src

Similarly mount /usr/release on external storage. I advise against nfs here. Maybe use iscsi, or create an image inside an nfs export and mount it via vnd. Example below uses vnd0, adjust if that one is in use (vnconfig -l will show)

dd if=/dev/zero of=release.img bs=1m count=0 seek=4000 status=none
vnconfig <vnd0> release.img
disklabel -E vnd0
newfs /dev/vnd0a
mount /dev/vnd0a /release

Then run below script to create the kernel:

export DESTDIR=/usr/dest RELEASEDIR=/usr/release MACHINE='octeon' NCPU=1 MYKERNEL=GENERIC DATEARG='+%H:%M:%S' part=d 
chown build:wobj ${RELEASEDIR}
echo "$(date "${DATEARG}") ${0}: ----- Building bsd.${part} -----"
cd /usr/src/sys/arch/${MACHINE}/conf
sed "/^config.*bsd/s/config.*/config bsd root on sd0${part} swap on sd0b/" \
sed "/^include.*GENERIC/s/GENERIC/GENERIC.${part}/" GENERIC.MP > \
config ${MYKERNEL}.${part}
rm GENERIC.${part} GENERIC.MP.${part}
cd ../compile/${MYKERNEL}.${part}
make -j ${NCPU}
cp obj/bsd ${RELEASEDIR}/bsd.${part}
cd ..
rm -rf ${MYKERNEL}.${part}
rm -rf /usr/obj/sys/arch/${MACHINE}/compile/${MYKERNEL}.${part}
cksum -a sha256 -b bsd.d >> SHA256.bsd.d

Now extract the distribution octeon sets from the matching release to /usr/release

cd /tmp/
cd /usr/release
tar xzvphf /tmp/base65.tgz
tar xzvphf var/sysmerge/etc.tgz

get the latest version of resflash.

cd /tmp
tar xvfz resflash-master.tar.gz

and you should be able to run and create a working image for resflash. Be sure to run from an octeon system as well. Partitions created by on a different architecture are not mountable from an octeon system. example command:

./  -s 115200 7629 /usr/release/

put the image on your usb/sd card:

dd if=resflash-amd64-3814MB-com0_115200-20190427_2034.img of=/dev/rsd3c bs=1m
